DualIDy Design


Initial consultation: $100 for the 1st 90 minutes, hourly rate applies following

Hourly Fees:
Hourly fee per designer: $35/hour
Hourly fee for both designers: $50/hour

Reset Fee:
Flat fee of $100 per room
$35 hourly fee

Measurements Per Square Foot:
0-100 flat fee of:          $50
101-250 flat fee of:      $150
251-500 flat fee of:      $200
501-1000 flat fee of:    $275
1001-1500 flat fee of:  $350
1501-2000 flat fee of:  $425
2001-3000 flat fee of:  $525
3001-4000 flat fee of:  $625
4001-5000 flat fee of:  $725
5000 and up rates will be applied as necessary
Measurement flat fees do not include hourly, hourly will be an additional charge
15 square footage leeway between flat fees negotiable upon project

Payment Process:
     70% of the total project due at beginning of project, 30% and hourly pay due at completion
30% completion costs and hourly pay due within 30 days of billing
Any extra costs past bid will be approved by the designer(s) and the client, due at completion
Cash, personal checks and money orders will be accepted

Bid Will Include:
All aspects of the total project costs, including installs and rough estimate of hourly fees

Bill Will Include:
A breakdown of all costs at completion

Project Time Line:
Project time line will be dependent on the scope of the project and will be further discussed and determined with the client and included in the official bid

Most terms may be considered negotiable, we are willing to work out agreements case by case with our clients